Free Star Wars Gaming Goodness

There are a lot of talented people on the ‘net offering up free games for our enjoyment, and it never ceases to amaze me just how talented some of these independent freeware authors are and how good their games can be. I’ve just recently stumbled across two such pieces of freeware that are so good, I simply had to pass them along.

Star Wars: The Battle of Yavin and Star Wars: The Battle of Endor are two impressive games that were single-handedly created by a Spanish chap named Bruno R. Marcos. Both games (which are 3D space shooters) are really worth your time, and I can easily recommend them — especially if you’re a Star Wars fan who has never grown tired of blowing up Tie-Fighters.

You can download both titles (for free!) at Mr. Marcos’ website. Enjoy!

Fatsquatch Written by:

Professional nerd. Enemy of nonsense. Failed musician. Friend to the animals. Misanthrope. Jaded gamer.

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